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ArcGIS Enterprise Rollout

Sasol Ltd
Secunda, ZA

ArcGIS is the core geographic information system (GIS) software of the Esri suite of products used for creating and managing GIS Web services, applications, and data. As Service Owner of ArcGIS at Sasol I managed the enterprise-wide rollout of the solution.

Self Checkout

Self-Service Checkout

Wincor-Nixdorf GmbH
Cape Town, ZA
Hamburg, Germany

Self-service checkout is an automated process that enables shoppers to scan, bag, and pay for their purchases without assistance from a cashier. The solution includes the self-service terminal, the related software as well as integration to various electronic payment systems. As the Head of Business Development I oversaw the rollout of the solution at a large South African retailer.

Doctor and Patient

Referral to Treatment Project

Redbridge PCT
London, UK

The Referral to Treatment (RTT) project was a UK Government programme that aimed to reduce patient wait times by introducing more efficient systems and processes. As Project Manager I ensured that Redbridge PCT achieved 60% of target more than a year before the deadline.

Online Shopping

IT Service Catalogue

Sasol Ltd
Secunda, ZA

Built the first electronic IT Service Catalogue at Sasol. The solution contained an automated approval workflow as well as automated provisioning for AD related services. As the Lead Analyst I created the categorisations and structure of the catalogue.

Image by Melanie Stander

ART Grain Management System

Afgri Operations Limited
Bethal, ZA

Maintaining precise knowledge of inventory levels is crucial to large-scale grain management. Inventory levels in grain silos were traditionally measured using manual measuring techniques and calculations. The Art Grain Management Solution uses lasers to continuously monitor the amount of grain present in a silo in real-time. As the Stock Analyst I was responsible for configuring the application which presented the data to the user.


Drone as a Service (DaaS)

Sasol Ltd
Secunda, ZA

In any large manufacturing endeavour maintenance activities are costly to plan and execute, and must be done routinely to avoid leaks, production outages and unplanned shutdowns. The use of Drones can reduce maintenance costs, improve safety and enable stable production. However, the purchase & maintenance of an unmanned aerial vehicle is costly & the licencing of the drone and the pilot is complicated & tedious as civil aviation regulations on drones in South Africa are some of the most prohibitive in the world. Drone as a Service (DaaS) allows you to fly a drone without having to worry about the red tape as the service provider has already dealt with all that. The service also takes care of the processing of the imagery and the storage of the related data. As the Service Owner I put the necessary work procedures and approvals in place and negotiated the the first Enterprise Drone contract in the organisation.

+61 409 930 997

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